144 pages, soft cover. Second Edition published by Breakaway Books. Jan 2010.
the only book that dares to care

Copies are signed by author.
$12.50 – shipping included.

This is the author's website where you can purchase these lovely, cheap books to impress your friends and frenemies.

If you want to read this book on the Kindle book readin' device, Amazon.com now has it available.

Read my clever Ultimate Blog

inquiries - would like a copy signed to someone in particular - want to, y'know, just chat and stuff:
email leonardo at alittlemad dot com.

Books + author will be at the following 2012 tournaments. Arrange to have a book hand-delivered and SAVE $2.50!

NE Sectionals with DoG, Portland, Maine, Sept 22-23
NE Regionals
Devens, MA, Oct 5-6

• recent Skyd Magazine article on College Ultimate•
• Skyd article on Uganda ultimate •
• order a book and have it SIGNED •
• book reviews
& interview w/ author
• reader comments
• about the author

some distributors of renown
better world books*
barnes & noble

powell's books

*a pretty cool company founded by ultimate players

illustrated by Cade Beaulieu. Additional writing by Jane Carlen, Katie Derickson, others • for the UK and Europe, order from lookfly.com

Email of Three Months Ago from the Portland, Oregon mixed team Dogfight:
"Hey I have a Toastmasters speech on Friday and I want to make it a sarcastic speech about ultimate. Does anyone have a copy of that yellow book called "Ultimate: the greatest sport ever invented by man" that I can borrow. I would like to plagiarize most of my speech from it. Your help is much appreciated. Shane"

learn more about it • order a book or two read some: pgs 4-5 32-33 36-37 58-59 66-67 88-89 98-99 106-107 110-111 114-115 index1 index2

proposed additions and addendums to a third printing • read reviews & reader comments • join the facebook fan page • looking to order the out-of-print history book ultimate: the first four decades? • read my blather online at Leonardo's Not-So Clever Ultimate Blog and if you are so inclined, please do check out my work in the medium of FILM and VIDEO at Movement Pictures.

this is the author's official lo-fi website. don't be fooled by lack of imitators.
page last updated September 14, 2012






Ro-Sham tips, page 62

frisbee players this means you!

threat level midnight is approaching!

ultimate frisbee dogs hippies spirit of the game crack dens and all sorts of wonderful things!

also co-written by the author:
Ultimate: The First Four Decades
A comprehensive and colorful history of the game. It's a serious book and seriously humongous..

It's out-of-print but I may have a copy or two if you email me. You can also read part of it on Google Books or look for a used copy on eBay.