1999 U.S. Club Nationals Short Article written for ESPN Magazine 1999 College Preseason Rankings 1999 College Nationals 2000 Stanford Invite 2000 College Nationals 2000 National Champions Brown University Interview with TK (Tom Kennedy)
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Normally, I save my comments for after the article, but I doubt you'll make it through. These are the transcripts I typed in from the mini-tape recorder I brought to Boulder. Transcribing the tapes was beneficial because it helped me remember good quotes more readily. This was certainly a labor-intensive task and later I stopped going to such efforts and just started making up quotes. This is probably rife with typos but that is because I am a two-finger typist. Click here for Tape Two: Semis and Finals. transcript - POOL PLAY, QUARTERS shana cook, after Yale win shana: it definitely meant a lot to us. we've been neck and neck with this team all season , we've played them too many times, and iI'm glad we got a chance to play them here. after regionals we felt like we didn't play as well as we wanted against them, and we're psyched what do you think of the pool? we've played against a couple of teams earlier in the season andwere exited to play them again too, we havent playyed our best ultimate until now...so we're ready we've been training real hard we were the first women's team here (Friday). we have a hard time someitmies starting out itense, so we came out early and scrimmaged oursleves and that helped ourselves. I don't think we needed to do a whole lot to focus on this game, every inidividaul on our team wants to win this game so much... have you seen UBC? we played them at Stanford. It might have been our firstgame, one of the first times we'd played outside, but it was good to see them...they really took it to us inn that game carleton is the other one.. "that'll be interesting. we have to take one of those is your goal to make semis? thats what were here for
gus jesperson, carleton there's pretty good team relations we've seen both kansas and yale this yea and expect to be victoriuos against them, but colorado we haven't seen yet so we don t know what to expect do you know what do agaisnt them a strategy well, uh, take a look at our team we have 4 or 5 guys over 6'5' so we're going to put it up. defensively, we are not familiar with their offense, i'm assuming its going to be a west coast type set so we're going to switch a lot, I know they throw a lot of big crossfield break throws so were going to try and clamp down a lot have you scouted them? not at this tournament yet, but we have a couple of alums looking out what about for tomorrow everything we have is riding on tihs game for pool play could this be the year for carlton? it could be. we have a lot of fun playing together and thats the most important thing we have a good team chemistry are you psyched for the spotlight frisbee is real big at our school, and we had an alumnii game with about 300 people watching the game (they won the game 19-18, a win for the them that has not occurred)
lou, carleton how impotant was this win for you I feel tha this is a three team tournament and we just made the other two teams play each other youre tat confident that you wont have any trouble with yale or brown I think theyre both good teams, but I watched them play earlier today and they seem to be having fatigue issues in their first game. and I feel like we play both of them tomorrow and yale at the end of he day and they have like 8 or 9 players you were down 14-12... we were down 12-9, I think a couple tings. 1 this is a team that never, ever gives up. (mentiones the game last year and the year before that beating Wilmington in quarters from being way down) Also - we have to give a lot of credit to the alumni who are here and the men's team who came and really picked It up and gave us energy when we needed it. [Final goal mimi to cindy craig]
greg, scooper" connelly - UBC you had numerous chances to win the best one was at 14-13 you seemed confortable, that you were going to win the game, it seemed like they kinda snuck up on you the alternative is that we totally gakked into playing into all the sidelines hype and that, traditionally has not gotten this team anywhere do you think that happened? I was very happy the way we stayed focused. yeah, it was a big game situation, they probably had more fans than us, their mens team was here. if I thought that made a difference in the game and the diff was very small then I would walk away with a bad feeling in this game, and I don't at all. I think we played very well, and so did they and it was just that close. kami??? UBC captain I have an answer too, we have quite a hard time finding decent competition out west with exception of stanford which is further south and this is probably the first time we've ever really had neck-n-neck high intensiy game. we don't get it at sectionals, we didn't get it at Eugene until the end. (lost to Oregon by 1) did you know Carleton? how tough they were? we knew that this was the game of the tournament, people were saying that from before and they were right [another girl] maybe a good way to put it, we had so many chances to win, but I feel like it was neckn neck all the way,not like one team kicked ass in the end, I felt the whole time it was very even. greg: I don't think there was any 4 point runs your offense seemed to get in trouble in the end girl: the offense was a bit of fatigue in the end. if at any point I feel any pressure to perform its when your neck and enck at the end like that. I think our offense is really flexible, but maybe you lose some of that flexibility when things get tight yeah, seems like you didn't open up the offense, relying on a couple players for cutbacks and when they were covered the stall count would get up high and you'd have to throw the disc what does this game mean for the tournament? a chance to knock out stanford in the semifinals! girl: they are a pretty aggressive team and they didn't necessarily notice that they were doing it. if we called it, they weren't arguing [UBC as a team - 6 players on Goo, and 5 that won Canadian nationals, and 2 juniors. Program is 3 years old. There are only 3 grad students. So many people played Co-ed and league. A lot of focus on co-ed leagues in the NW. we started in september and won Canadian Natls and in the spring we formed this team" No B team - not quite enough people. hockey players, rock climbers, etc. Vancouver similar to boulder except theres a lot of water. end 208
gus, after defeating colorado how important was that game that was a huge game. I think hthatwas the first real goog college competition we've faced in a wile. we were wnodering how we were going to come out after all that pracie in between. I think that really proved that we've elevated our game against some of the top teams how do you keep your focus it all comes down to having fun. we all love playing the game, we all love playing well. it's easy to be focused when you're out here playing with a team you love do youever get worried about throwing a lot of risky passes, a lot of hucks yeah, but like lou burruss said, "most teams will throw 15-20 throws and score and the probability is .95. we'd just assume to throw up one. different from carleton strategies in the past? we've hucked a fair amount in the past but we've never had two guys this tall that can really read the dic you seem to get pretty physical when they get their bodies up in the air there seems to be a gray area in the rules with what is permissable when the disc goes up in the air. But in general the rule we go by is that when you make a read you have the right to hold your position. that's what they do. sometimes guys run into them and it looks like were bodying them up. are you ready for stanford yes - definitely. it will be a fun game. we played them earlier this year and came out on top. I know theyre an extremely hard-working team how did it feel to beat colorado on thier home turf? that was a lot of fun. but theres a lot of love between the two teams. it was fun. are you afraid of any teams here? you have the track to semis...what would you do differently against UCSB as opposed to Colorado I think the biggest think about UCSB, obviously I think they are the team to beat until someone proves them wrong, they just don't give up the disc when they get it. Most college teams make a few mistakes but offensively they get the disc and hold onto it. we're going to have to throw a lot of defensive looks at them, not necesarily force a block but make them throw a pass tthey aren't used to throwing. offensively they aren't any taller than any other teams out here what about brown from what we've heard, brown is an extremely patient team was it a great benefit to win this game? yeah, it was huge. say what you want about the mountain air, but 15 less points each of main player will have to play less, we can get a little more sleep, a little more rest
256 San Diego - Meg Parker & ____ ___ how was kansas, illinois not a lot of experience, but very spirited what type of offense do you work? we like to work it. when it's there we'll huck it. we have a lot of dept. There's no oe player that stanss out, there's 10-12 women. We only lost two people last year, this is only the 4th year we've been together. This year we got a great freshman class. They're awesome, great. hows Ulty In San Diego it's growing. it's good. the club teams have been around forever. summer league = 8 to 12 teams. Safari has been helping us out. No coaches, but we'd scrimmage them and theyd give us pointers. We're working on them for next season All this inexperience - your fourth year in existence, first trip to nationals, and you're looking pretty good to make semifinals We really, really want it! we want it hard. We're going to work pretty hard to get there. Thats our goal has this been a big focus all season other girl: no, this season we didnt want to make it we have to goto nationals, lets live up to our potential, play our best and well get there and we did and thats what we want to do tomorrow. one game at a time. it wasnt a huge focus...so now our focus is to get to semifinals tomrrow is a big day for our team. I just want to transport to tomorrow can you hang with stanfrod? we played them 13-7. we were excited. in some ways they are made out to be more of a dynasty than they are. we think they are beatable.... I was fired up by the Carleton-UBC game. there was heart like I've never seen. Because every game could be like a finals game at a tournament. Its that exciting. Beat Santa Barabara and Colorado in regionals - beat SB 15-7 and Col by two upwind points. what are you going to do tonight we're going to sleep. eat dinner, shower, and go to bed really early. [talk about how the school paper doesn't like ultimate we wish they were here (the mens team). We think they got shafted. 6th in nation but in region with Santa Barbara and Colorado. 334 Mark Driver, after carleton loss how does it feel to lose a tough match it was definitely a tough game. we couldn't adjust to our game. we kept letting them huck and throw deep. couldn't adjust to our short game, which we failed at. they kept getting up in the air with their bodies it was certainly phyisical. they're a big team, really tall, we got the stall count up pretty high, which is what we wanted to do, unfortunately when they hucked they came down with it and usually you feel that when you huck there's a 50% chance theyll come down with it. but they made it more like a 75% chance..by a best guess. was that part of your strategy - get a high stall count on them and force them to throw it? yes, we always try to do that. unfortunately we never got them to throw it backwards. they kept throwing it downfield and getting those 70 yard or 40 yard hucks. all their throws were high. they didn't have any low throws and they could just jump higher than us and even our tall guys had trouble getting up and certainly our shorter guys were no match. as far as physical play, welike to play physical, and the observrs we know, especially in that game werent going to let fouls be called, they like physical play, KD is notoriuous for being a physical player. we had a few calls that went against us... there was a big one late in the game when Sam from Carleton got a block and a foul was called and it was denied I thought it was a good bid. I thought they had equal chance of getting it. the throw was behind the receiver. it was certainly physical play. again, Dobyns loves to see defense, and loves to play physically and we do too. Were pretty strong guys ourselves and they managed to play their game, a huck game, and they had perfect conditions to play that, wind wasnt too strong. the wind can definiely get up, especially late in the day...but perhaps a little more conducive to their game... 360 END OF SIDE A SIDE B Nothing on tape until 038 How about the crossover game tomorrow - against Iowa we're going to come out and try to play our game which is endurance, first of all, running hard coming underneath, against smaller teams we like to put it up more. we couldnt put it up in this game at all, we didn't feel comfortable at all doing that, we had a couple of hucks, but we definitely play a longer game more often, and that cerainly was not our gameplan, well we scrapped that gameplan after the first few points. They had great poaches and theyre all tall. We werent going to get the mismatches, so our game had to be playing with our handlers. we got plenty of that. we got a lot of short guys who are really quick and can dance circles around those guys. unfortunatly we didnt manage to connect more, except on that last point when we ran a Dominator and our throws were tired and the throws werent going out way. altitude factor? kansas seemed to get pretty tired in the second half... have you played NC st this year? we have not. are you looking forward to seeing them? we wanted to see them at Easterns...we think we match up pretty well with them size-wise...we are very similar to them... I think the altitude factor is much more with the frisbee dynamics factor. less dense air, the hucks go farther, a lot go out the back, they don't catch the air and bend as well, less bite on is your goal to win nationals? oh yeah. no doubt about that. we're trying to take it one game at a time and one point at a time, focus o what we can do in the moment, but certainly our goal all season has been to win antionals...we had known we were hosting it..so this year we are certainly hoping to please the home fans.... Beebe walks up whats the team going to do tonite? rest up, usual rituals, stay at home...which is pretty unusual because we usually travel a lot. unfortunately we didn't see NC State and.... Dan "Jello" Revelle is coach of Col, is ex-Carleton player.... we'd like to see UCSB again, if not in the semifinals, hopefully it will be the finals 113 115 Lori Parham did you focus yeah, we definitely focused on the UBC game. thats the game we need to win to make semis. it would have been nice to finish first in our pool but... so, are you ready for UBC we are. they're pooped. we rotate more than we usually do [against carleton] so what are your strategies for UBC we havent seen them play a lot. we played them at Stanford and we didn' t play well. they warm up with break the mark throws, so we'll have to mark well, and I heard they dont send it as much as they usuallu do, but I saw them against carleton and they were. defense wins games for us. we know our O. our O works for us. think it'll come down to the wire? coming out strong in the first half yes tell me about this carleton team? beatable? yeah. they have a lot of really athletic women on the team. they dive a lot, and theyre really good in the air, but I think theyre beatable what did you think of the sideline intensity? I didnt really notice that. our team cheers a lot and supports each other, so we didnt pay a lot of attention. were you surprised with Yales upset no, we were counting on UBC being the game for us 152 Yale: Anne Lightbody yourteam starts slow, but you regrouped and won UBC - how was your team different today and more ready to play UBC? more prepared this morning to play, everyone's heads were mre in it, more excited other girl: it tends to be not something quantifiable whether were on or not do you think you took them out of their game by being on on your game? they looked a little sleepy in the beginning but they really woke up and looked strong in the end how did you keep it together after the surge? anne: I think we tried to pull it together and focus on our goal of scoring one point at a time, and thats pretty much how we do it ready for Carleton we've played them before. we havent played them this year. beat them twice at easterns last year. anne: try to keep our heads and minds on the game semis? that was our goal the whole time. and hopefully we'llbe able to get there. but we didn't really want to play well and go away from this tournament satisified that we play well. Santa Barbara military procession: chants of Crush! Them! and Black Tide! Never Die! 190 brian dobyns do you think that was a key play (snyderhuck that NC state got back with defense and worked for a score to go up by three instead of one) a one goal bulge with a team like a colorado is no bulge at all, a three goal bulge with any team gives you a chance to use people you might not otherwise use on your defense but if they score with a two-goal bulge, you have to put your offense back in, but when your up one you cant take the risk that yourdefense is not going to be able to score if they get the disc. when your up three you can take the risk that your defense will get the disc and make them work really, really hard and still not score, but you get thebenefit in the long run. you started off against all these teams big. against colorado...started off 3-1. coming off a bye, how did you come up with the intensity? we had a gameplan,and we were able to stick with it and the gameplan is to play them straight up and dont allow any of thier hucks, because they go downfield well and they go downfield often, so dont let anyone have those easy throws. also play denial defense, keep them from having easy cutbacks, an easy time getting to the disc, and wear down there offense, make their offense work really hard. when we were able to score in 5 passes and it took them 25 to do the same thing, with a lot more effort - the first two points - I figured at that point we were doing the right thing. we have a good rotation on offense. we get a lot of poeople moving and the disc in their hands and flowing, and it was working. we were able to god downfield, work it short. we executed our gameplan. we didnt make mistakes. on our firts five goals we didn't have a turnover. very tight. and if you can do that - not make mistakes on the college level, youll go up really quickly. and thats what it was came out oof the gates with forehand, forehand, boom - down the line. thats a set play. we call 5 guys in a that person to that person to that person...so we can run that all the way down the field, so the guys who are cutting know whos throwing it and the guys throw it know it whos cutting and with 5 guys it doesn't look like a homey, and its not really. because its consecutive. bunch of guys who know each other really well, and theyre going to score. so it worked really well. preparation for nex round of semis brown is a very tough squad. we are going to have to keep forch from hurting us deep. i'd rather have Forch with the disc in his hands. I know hes got good throws, but hes so good downfield, when he catches it he fires his team up. so I think were going to try to keep forch back near the disc. that doesnt scare me as much. what scares me is when he gets downfield. were going to have to execute on offense. are you going to come out of th blocks as well as you did in tihs game? I think so. we start quickly. the problem is, the last time we played them at easterns, we went up 4-0. they got a score, and then they put on a zone. at that point we were using a 4-man across handling scheme. and they were playing a really flat zone. so it didnt work. we were able to move the disc back an forth but we didnt go up the field. so we dropped one of the four guys forward as a popper. and now were using hammers to go over that front line. we got in the game and we got shy with our guns. we'll be hucking deep to Kusy. are you worried about the wind wind is for both teams. we'll be able to go downfield. I dont mind throwing the disc all the way down the field against the zone and then playing good defense. I mind throwing the disc out the sidelines 10 yards out of your own endzone. I guarantee we'll be agressive against brown. we may go down in flames, but were going to go down very aggressive. we're not afraid of them. up and down [wind] we have some trouble. we played a lot I think Browns ability to score is more dangerous to us than this wind. I think were going to do more sideline trap, make them run more one-to-one matchups. we dont want to give them the middle of the field. give them the middle of the field they will eat you alive.but we have to execute on O. thats the key. if we score our goals. if we go the first five points without a turnover, we will win that game. we will win it. rev up the buzzsaw when you're up by 4, the thing to do is think youre down by 2. and you play that way. and its hard to do. but these guys are really hungry. they got to the semifinals last year. they got to the semifinals last year. theres no stars in our eyes. yeah, were excited, get right back in there, next game, time to goto work. we want to be on that field tomorrow. we're going to do what we need to do to gte there. I think brown had a little easier game... 260 Tommy Burfiend any team you want to see? i'd like to play carleton. we're both really big and we both put it up. see some atheletes get in the air, get after the disc. should be a fun game. are you scared of them? not really. we just got to play our game. with the wind, it'll be to our advantage. 270 Safdie I can probably show you bills frommy chiropractor what about NC state if we can shut down snyder deep, early. in the Stanford game that guy Scott just skied them and they were afraid to throw it deep the rest of the game. are you going to put on a zone? when we played them at easterns they certainly didnt know how to pop. we'll see, play it a few points, wind picks up a little bit, test it out. game against UCSC? we pulled away...we just couldn't get into our flow, somebody did something stupid and they would just capitalize. they are such an offensive team. they are going to score when you give them the disc. you can't do it. they were verry few turns on either side of the disc. they are so good on offense. they didn't have many unforced turnovers, what we got we had to force it. their defense is not great, but their offense is good enough if they score very time.... deep down in your heart, are you scared of NC state no, I believe that we belong at the top of this tournament, that we are going to win this tournament. [doesn't necessarily think its going to be against SB
298 Chris Hinkle after Brown win how was the victory for you? it feels great. theyre a great team. fortunat is a great player how did you keep up the intensity? well, it's pretty easy when you keep scoring and its a big game like that. but were not done yet. we've got one more game to go. we've worked hard all season. exciting 303 Husak, after Carleton the game got close there to the end of the game - what happened? well, we got out of game a lot. we were working them underneath and then we started to go long on them and those guys are big and thats not our game plan. so we called timeout and decided we were going to start working it back under, hit the comeback break and that was when we got back in our rhythm. that was a key timeout, 13-11 yeah. right. I think we might have defeated the second best team here, outside of us. I can't believe we didn't know them from last year. we beat them pretty handily and we heard they lost a bunch of guys, but we heard they came back bigger and stronger and better than last year - those guys are studs. how did you come out strong in the first half? your attitidue? I think it was more windy. that favors us. we like our zone, we like our chances in the wind a lot better. veteran throwers, players. I think our zone was what got us started in the right direction, took that 8-3 halftime lead, but when the wind died down their hucks were more effective, that changed the complexion of the game were you scared it seemed a lot closer than it was. when it was 14-12 I thought it was a one-point game or maybe tied up. we have such good players. we KNOW we're going to pull it out. our motto is 'down by two' dyed hair - a week ago. roommate. not a frisbee thing. last year? yeah - fourth year in the finals. try to make it 4 in a row. but it will be tough. we havent seen NC state yet, we saw them play Stan a little, but I don't know what they're all about. they're good players dedicated to anyone? no, this one is still for Sammy, his parents have been out here... 333 END TAPE 2 -- natls transcript SEMIS 002 - John Gearen, Brown you never seemed to get out of second gear, really firing it up, why was that [big pause] i'm not sure why that was. I felt that, in the final analysis, we werent worried enough. at times in the past and last season weve been too afraid of teams and I think after starting finals of eastenrs down 0-4 against these guys, and also just in general with the success of our season, we feel confident, that we're going to pull it out. and I think in this game perhaps, it translated to not as much intensity what did you feel at the time? that they outplayed you? no...i think they played a phenomenal game, no question, certainly they used the misakes we made and the scored and to their credit a couple of guys - hard and kusy - had phenomenal games in addition to hinkle and snyder. I didn't feel It was just outplayed. We didn't come out focused enough in the beginning for one. Our normal trick is we score 3 points, we go up 3-0, and we have done that almost every game this season, and after that its a mental edge, and we feel like we could go on a roll...and we never strung together points against this team. I don't know if we ever had two? (or hree?) I think they played an exceptional game, but I think we had our chances what did you tell the team at halftime when your down 8-4 I think we just aid "don't lose confidence in us. play our game. our focus so much of the season has been play our game. they will play a good game or they will play a bad game. dont wait for them to turn it over. dont expect them to shut us down because when were running on all cylinders, people havent shut us down. we need to get the D's and make our offense happen and I think in the second half, we didnt really do that, as much as we would have liked to to, we didnt really do that. we got into a sort of "win" mindset where we were punting it some inadvisedly downwind and didnt seem to have confidence in our upwind deep game to break through their poaching was there any point in the second half when you did something different? it got worse and worse from that point what we had been trying to do intially was, plan on them to yank it, tey have great throws and great receives and I think they look to the deep game alot, especially downwind. So we played a sort of a 1-3-3, expecting the rip. And I think they worked it well. did you know that they switched from a 4 man cup at Easterns to a 3 w/ popper for this tournament? no, I didnt realize that. I realized that they had been doing that, but even so I thought that there middle wasnt 100%. it wasnt terrifying me that Hinkle was getting right-off-the-grass scoobers, you sort of figure theyre taking risky throws, thats where you want them to go. I think what hoped to turn the tide was play more man. how come you did not goto man? we did, but it was late, too late, and later than we should have. and at that point we made some mental errors did they get in your heads at all, by playing so intense, such a high level. making big grabs? I wouldnt say they got in oour heads. I think we have guys who still felt that "I missed It that time, but i'll get It next time" I think we have a lot of confidence as individuals. and I thik we have the shut down defenders to go Man....and maybe had we done it earlier and done it successfully, we could have effected a different result, or at least down a bit better. keping how many? 15 people. Forch, Safdie and Gearen staying...Lyn and Luke are out
103 Will Deaver, Georgia women coach congrats thank you, tat was awesome I had a feeling! we've played them twice at Easterns and we werent sure what to expect though. they might not have brought everything to easterns and I think they might have had a couple of extra girls. really talented.. handlers. I thought tyou might be tired bythe end of the day yeah, we only had 10. we lost 3 girls between Regionals and here. Because of the semester system, 3 girls had summer jobs out of the country. so we had to make adjustments. 2 of them were starters on defense. how did you keep up? condidtioning. I think the schedule really helped. yesterday was only 2 games, today, I think the rain delay helped a little, we were able to rest a lot of people off and on periodically, every other point sub in 3, but our main 4 players played almost all of it. Melanie Byrd, Jessica Ogburn, Evelyn Ogburn and Catherine Kidd, and Kirsten played a lot. you were seeded 4th...were you surprised that you seeded so high and kept seed? well, we beat San Diego and they beat Yale....all the no.1 teams coming out, I guess you go head to head are you psyched to represent the aouthern region? last year-----coming back to beat wisconsin last year a natls when they were down 10-2. they made a pact earlier this year to go to a lot of tournaments and practice 2-3 days a week and that worked. we're no losing any starters whats the key to this game? we have two great zones that we play. one is a box-and-one that we pcover a main handler, that works on weaker teams, but we also have a trap zone thats real good, bring a fourth person into the cup on the sideline. but we tried it the first two times they were going upwind and they shredded it. so we went to a force middle to try and keep them from getting yardage on their throws and just played hard man-to-man defense, and last game of the day they were willing to suck it up and play hard until they dropped did you have fear against swarthmore yeah. but you know I was pretty sure we were going to win that game. I dont know why. it was jitters the girls had, the girls had. they put a zone on us, a force-middle zone, forced us to throw passes back and forth across the field. and we had some very uncharacterstic drops and throwaways by our main handlers. and they scored the first 6 points, we turned it over 10-20 yards down in our ow endzone. so I didn't see that that team was going to work it 70 yards and as long as we could get I downfield on offense and if we turned it over play 70 yards of D then we would be able to claw back in....but we dug a hole!..10-4 I think it was. are you ready fro Carleton we havent seen them this year. we played Stan twice. but we havent seen them, but we're looking forward to it. they're an established team. one step at a time. we're there and maybe we'll win. 177 Early on the obersvers were real tentative and they would try to figure out stuff and they would goto the obervers an they just werent helping. they should be there to solve problems. then I think they got warmed up, they decided "ok we need to be on it and watching and help out if there was a call that needed to be made." and they made some in/out calls immediately which is good, because it kept the flow going. no arguing, my foot wa here, no here.... Classic City Classic: started in the Fall, was originally a hotbox tournament, because fields were taken away from being a Club tournament, the university said only College, so he said we'll do it in the Fall and call it pre-season, no room in the Spring. At the time club nationals and Worlds there was a bunch of bitching and complaining about the games being too slow and too many calls. So he posted something to RSD saying we can change things at the grass roots level. Why don't we? we can do our own thing. So time limits between pulls and turnovers, observers were not part of it..didn't think it out that far, maybe timekeepers or something. Half the field was North Carolina and half was southern. Kerr said I 've been thinking the same thing....and sent Deaver a document "it was huge!" and they hashed out details back and forth for months. Originally, - pre-stall when disc was OB "20,19,18, etc" counted by players. Also "players in the box" - one from each team, as a representative, to roams the sidelines. I thought that was probably going to have the observers fighting. We really need to have a neutral person to do all of it. "Are we pro-ref, are we not pro-ref - and neither one of us are. We don't want refs." "We want to have the observers trained to let the players work it out" "Some Observers are going to go gung-ho and try to get involved..."
231 Mark Driver, Colorado, after quarters loss today was a really emotional day...they kept it at a high level of intensity we certainly gave a lot of points to them. it was pretty disappointing. our chilliness on O. we had a lot of drops, a lot of miscommunication errors. I think we took ourselves out of the game more than they took us out of the game. Not to detract from them, they had a great defensive strategy, fronting it. was this a bad game for your team? oh, it was awful, it was terrible. I don't think we played up to potential at all in this tournament. We had some good runs, but Even in our games against lower seeds we still managed to let them stay in the game was there any hometown pressure, tightness? i'd say there was significant hometown pressure. carleton had the same thing in Blaine... yeah, we were really excited to host it. we travel to all our tournaments. as a result we spend a lot of money, but we don't get to in front of our home town fans. this was realy a good opportunity to do that, unfortunately we dont think we played up to our potential and we certainly dropped a lot of passes and threw a lot away. there was pressure. there was also the distracion of people coming by saying good luck when you're in the huddle trying to focus, and its like thanks, really appreciate the support, but youre really taking away from the mental game, the focus did it hurt to lose? yeah, it was pretty damn painful. it hurt not to play up to potential, more than to lose. If we had really played as well as we could have and lost, i'd feel much better about that, because i'd feel the team that beat us was a better team. NCSU is a great team. they are very well drilled, great composure did you think a lot of last year we certainly had that in the forefront of our minds. we talked about it in the huddle. we had to get it back. in that game they really took the second half...we really wanted to get that second half back, we were down 8-4, we came back to 8-6, we were feeling like we were pretty geared up. we couldn't maintain that energy. there's definitely a rivalry, a good rivalry. friendly? scuffle in endzone? there's not a whole of social interaction off the field. we certainly respect each other's play, but I wouldn't say there's a friendship growing. play them next year? yeah. we travel a lot, hoping to see many of the top-ranked teams, for the money we paid to go see them, and that was disappointing. we didn' have play as many big games...didnt give us our education do you think the matchup might have favored nc st? no I think we matched up very well. our game is very similar. an underneath game, quick handlers, rather than a carleton huck-fest with tall basketball-players. so I think we matched up pretty well. I just think it was more a mental breakdown... they really came out strong and they always do. ultimate games are long enough that there are mini-runs in each game. we just couldnt string enough of those runs together and we couldnt maintain the length of those runs. 292 END SIDE B Tim Murray, Michigan we would have liked to be playing Sunday on the other field. we won our last game together, thats the best thing about it. we lose 6 or 7 main guys. this is the first year and we hope to keep it together. all 26 guys put it in so much work over the year, to go out on a winning note is awesome the best thing about this tournament is everyone, althought its a really competitive tournament, no one was unspirited. definitely sportmanship is still alive under these rules. its fun to play competitive games under Callahan rules. its awesome. tell me about the UNC game definitely intense, with A pool on tehe line. there were moments when the game could have gotten out of line and the players really kept it under control. a very good expe for us. what happened? we got down early and made a big run and got up one. I think we just drained ourselves in the comeback, we put ourselves in too big a hole early. it's easier to make a run and have a lead of three than to make a run and have a lead of one. they had it going - ray was making some phenomenol grabs in the endzone. you have to give them credit, they didn't give up, really stuck with it.
26 Tom w/ Chewie Chen [Ed note: Tom Vacca, a good ol' friend of mine, came out from Cali to help cover the tournament with me.] how does it feel? pretty darn good darth maul. my nickname is chewie because I'm a big star wars fan. my freshmen year we had two joys on the team. i'm really happy that the movie is out and it's al coming together and I just had to do Darth Maul for finals. what did you think of the movie it was fun. all about fun. everything we got. we have a lot of seniors on our team. has it gotten to be a tight bond, playing with each other so long Anne Percival, Jenelle I think thats one of our strengths [strong, natural fluid athletes]
55 AJ we want to go out with a bang. 97 nationals was probably the best. first time around. 5th year at Stanford how does it feel? terrific ready to go for another one? you bet they've [carleton] got a lot of heart this team is the best.... how long have you have been playing for stanford, 5th year
70 shana cook last nationals i'm sad to not have another game to play with my team. but its been an amazing season, its been such a privilege to play with this team, and worked so hard. its really fun we were here two years ago and didn't do too well. but this year we really trained hard to get to the tournament. and we had expectations for the team, and we met our goals that we had planned for the whole season. I really wish we had just won the game against UBC and I still think we earned a spot and i'm proud of us for doing that. youve played carleton and stanford stanford has a mental edge over every team in the country. theyre a great team - they run right after the turn faster than any team ive seen. I thnk we did not play as well against stanford as we did against carleton. how is having lori as a coach its been great . and Shelley Ratay as an assistant coach. tell me about the nuts and bolts of stanford well, definitely they run. once they throw it they run, they cut away and throw it deep and I think thats part of our game that we've been trying to do, but we havent been able to play defense agains them that well. on offense we were really stifled. they played straight up against us and we didn't adjust to it as quickly. that teams had done that to us. 97 Brown alumni vs Brownian Motion, Alumni up 7-6 101 Will, Georgia they've got an army. they've been here before. their goal is to win the national championship, ourgoal is to get in semifinals. we didn't really have anything to lose, and everyone was pretty happy. Lost 5 girls total. seen stanford and carleton id say stanford. they are a machine. they are well-coached. both teams are well-coached. what gave us trouvble in the first half against Carleton was that they have 3 or 4 defenses they'll throw at us, a couple of different zones. we made an adjustment in the second half and got a few points. if stanford can adapt to that, they'll do well.
113 Liz Penney Firts Year player????!!! how does it feel to make finals it feels really fucking hot were going to come out strong. its been a good weekend for us. a really really good time. if the thunder comes out it might have some effect on it because we have really crappy weather in minnesota and were used to it. I think the key to our playing is that we have a lot of breadth, a lot of really good handlers, lot of really good deeps, and we are really wide across the board, we have good people everywhere
120 Tommy, UCSB, at half time you're not getting good deep looks the first half of the game I think they're poaching, kind of disruping our four-man as of right now. are you going to alter strategy for the second half yeah, we're looking for it. its all relying on defense. theyre getting themselves inside way too easily, getting the discs at will. defense is going to win this game this is a big test for us, see what were made of. we say we're down by two the whole game
124 Brian Dobyns you came out fast and hard in the first hald - can you keep it up and win this game? we'll see in 7 points are you a little nervous? you bet your ass.
127 Kris Bass, after game was that a set play to you for the huck no, no definitely not. just winging it, you know. we're always looking to be aggressive, and he saw an opportunity and toook advantage I guess did you realize that guy was on your tail I thought it was going to come down faster, but I like them higher bolduc: I think what people don't realize is that kirs bass has one of the highest verticals in the league how do you keep the intensity up for the game? you dont have to keep intensity up for this kind of game. this is what you play for. this is the whole reason why you practice three times a week, for the one opportunity, to risk it all for the Ultimate game. senior yeah, my fifth year - last one - good way to go out tell me about that huge grab to end the second half that one was a set play. we just kind of set it up to have the endzone open. they didn't really match up the way we wanted it to, but hinkle made a great throw. landed right in my hand well, you had to jump up and to the side to get it, but sure did it for looks did you think underegarded you I dont think so. they played really hard, pretty good. made a great comeback in the end.
140 Husak you have had the most successful college program in the history of the sport - how does it feel to be on the other end of a game like this? its hard to describe it. you just expect to win so much [crying]. its almost like it hasnt even set in because you always just win. I dont even know what it feels like yet they pulled away 12-7, making mistakes, and you brought it back. did you think you had the game in your grasp at that point? ( at 14s) I thought we were right there. It seemed like we kinda crushed them to go 14s. I think that's the hardest point in ultimate I think. when the team just breaks even. happened to condors and stanford last years finals. we gave that one up. and then we had a great shot in the endzone - just tough luck. those guys played with a lot of heart. seemed like we were a little flat and we didn't relly decide to start playing why were you flat in first alf and start of second I don't know. maybe still drained from the game last night. they had 3 or 4 layout blocks to get them to 12-7. just seemed like we were sluggish. we finally kicked it in and pulled it together a little bit and made our run. you looked a little tired too, when James turfed it to you we were a little tired, sure, play all weekend at these altitudes. but we got to want it more than that. I dont think it was that great an issue do you think they were the better team today? well, I dont know. I always think we're the best team, even in defeat. I don't know if they caught us off guard or if they were better, but they wanted it more that first half, and it's tough to come back from. If we played the way we played there at the end, at the start, it would have been a much different story. it took us a while to get going. are you diappointed in your team? naw. no blame. obviously I wish we had played our best from the get-go how did you feel your play was shitty. it started last night. I played like shit in the seminfinals... I could have been a lot better. my legs were hurting a little bit.there's no excuses, I got play a lot better than I did, thats for sure. if I play like I did at the end from the start, we run away with that game
160 Kusy tell me about that last catch actually, I saw him with his hands in front of me, I couldnt even see the disc and then it kind of came around and I reached up and it stuck. he was out in front of it, I was surprised it went through, I really was. were you surprised when you came down with it? in the endzone? you looked a little shocked. no. I was a little shocked because i didn't really realize it was game point. I knew, but it doesn't hit you until it actually happens and then everyone started tackling me and then I knew it was game over. And thats when I put up for fingers fo No. 1 and it was like it was over, we've won. Pretty neat is this the best game your team has ever played? one of them. we played some really great games yesterday. we took on no.2 and no.5 and we took those teams to school, and those are some really good teams. I think it showed we working hard. Finally. it was great to have revenge. [to beat UCSB and avenge last years semi] did you focus on that we always knew that they were the team t beat...from freshman year on, we knew that they were the team to bet. We always wanted to have that final game against them because that way we really knew we were the best team. For this particular tournament it worked out storybook. We get to play Colorado, Brown and Stanford and in the finals UCSB. They beat us last year, and we've been just gunning at...we dont see them much how did it feel to be abig man guarding the giants on black tide. didnt bother me. ive played against tall people before. and they never really used it for anything except that one the guy caught up there, where he was just above me. For our team, we may not be quie as tall, but we're faster, and we have a pretty good jumping team, so we can really stay with them, get up there and give them a challenge and make them miss it leaders - bass [bass] he's the real heart behind our team. he's been playing one of the longest of anyone out here. some of us this is our last year we were doing this for our seniors right now I'm going to celebrate this!
182 - Hinkle what did you do to get this team so psyched up to play? I don't think it was me. Everyone knew what we had to do. Everybody came out, we had this goal for two years, came a little short last year, and this year we came out early in the season, worked our butts off. And everyone wanted it so bad. how does it feel to defeat the 3 time defending champs? it feels great. I've wanted to stop that streak for a while, man. Especially since Snyder and I lost to Hollywood and James in club semifinasls last year too, so we really had a vendetta out against them. buzzsaw! there was a point when the buzzsaw when the buzzsaw went too much into over-grear. a couple hammers went too far, you let USCB get back in the game. were you woried? I really was. three time defending champs, I knew they could come back at any moment. and they really did 14 all. we brought It back in and told the each other "its on the next play". And we made the play, especially Kris bass at the end, he made two big ones when we needed one. so the snyder throw we actually had a different play to goto someone else.... this was a great place to have nationals...fields were great...etc how did you think about the games to 15 I think all the games should be the same no matter what you play to, 19 or whatever you think the games oto 15 fit yourstyle, being a fast run n gun team? yeah, I think so. now I don't have to play a lot of points.... when you gave up the lead... I never thought we'd give in. I knew it was going to be a battle to the very end. We expected them to make a run, we didn't expect to help them quite as much. We knew it was going to come, and when it did come I was a little worried, I have a feeling most of my team was, but then again we also knew we had the skills to win the game, and we pulled it out.
201 Snyder forehand that went to far.... talk about heart-dropping. I knew as soon as I let it go. and we were talking smooth on O, smooth on O, and we ran a left to right rotation and I knew exactly who I was throwing to and I knew as soon as I released it, it was going down. did you get iced a little bit when they called TO? I really don't know. it was heat of the moment. we definitely felt some urgency to end the game as soon as possible without going to OT. When that turnover happened it was a little worse. Still, we knew we had to comeback and score two in a row. were you scared you might choke this game away? we've definitely choked away games before, but I didnt really feel that way. just looking around at the guys, I knew we had grit? on the field...I was comfortable enough to send it 50 yards downfield. for being 5'4 or 5'5, whatever kris bass is, he's a helluva target. I knew as soon as I saw him cut that's the throw I wanted and its kinda like in basketball, if youre missing your shots, still take them. we've gotten here by being agressive and not holding back on offense and we led this game, we controlled this entire game by being agresive on O so I didn't see any reason to stop there. I felt good about it the whole time. The only thingI was worried about was that it might go out the back of the endzone. Bass got up. it wasn't in the play call, but I saw him. That really got my head back in it. After I turned It overI thought to myself - Snyder: you got to be a leader on this team and I had to come back to do it. And sure enough we scored two in a row. your team has a lot of leaders on this team all season thats the thing - there's so many great playmakers on this team that itshard to stand out. So many people make big plays. Kusy has been hurt all season. Hurt at sectionals. He didn't pracice with us - only one day of practice before natls. And Rhett - had a hamstring pull, showed up and played great. It was stressful scrimmaging each other all the time. The only thing we wanted to do was get to Colorado and get here and play Nationals. you thik all that hard work paid off? no doubt And there was no other team we wanted to meet in the finals but Santa Barbara. We owed those guys. We were 1-1 and with them and now we're 2-1. We beat them at Easterns several years ago. And I guess the talk after lastyear's semis was the big talk about how NC had beat them. That was their motivation. The whole year it was James and Hollywood, Hinkle and Snyder. Those are the guys we want to beat. Those are the guys that have taken it to the national title three years in a row, we want to replace them, we want to beat them, we want to stop them getting four in a row, and that was the talk pretty much all season, and it wasn't so much among the team, it was me and hinkle and a couple of other guys. We just tryed to instill in everybody that our focus was nothing other than winning the Naitional title. how does it feel I dont even know if I can describe I. I havent even absorbed it yet. I havent got into tears yet, but last night all I did was dream - ddreamed stall counting Hollywood, going up in the endzone. I thought to myself: this is the single most goal/opportnity I've ever been given in my life. Kris BASS Jersey story: -230 Kris Bass has been our leader all year. He's been the one to come out and give emotional talks and get everyone focused on the title. Thursday nite we have a team meeting and Bass has his jerseys from the past 4 years. NC St '83 Phys Ed t-shirt, then jersey from first trip to Natls, jersey from trip last year, and some other jersey. The team was all gathered around. "Here we are - this is what weve come to do" The first jersey, we played in semis last year but right niow it doesnt mean that much and he took a match and threw it on it, and now it deosnt mean that much and he took a amatch and threw it on it - it was soaked in kerosene. Burn it. And he went to the next, And he told a story about each jersey...torched it. Went down the line, all four of them, and no one said a word and we watched all the jerseys burn and we knew what we had to do. And thats the kind of thing, thats his biggest role on the team. When you find some guy that can get everbody on your team focused on one thing - thats a valuable asset. And he really led us. And it took a lot of pressure and a lot of pressure off hinkle and that really enabled us to focus on our play. 239 end of story switch to 2.4 tape speed
245 AJ, stanford. final season? yeah how do you keep your intensity on the field - you're a maniac on the field always focus on the moment do you lead your life like this? when it comes down to this - focus on the momet. Here - it's always this point. how is this years team different from last year this team is a lot deeper. we have a much larger rotation, the rookies we got this year are incredible. and everyone has contributed tremendously. we dont need a couple people to do it, we got 14 to do it. scout out carleton we've played them a few times this year. and JD scouted them Friday and Saturday oh definitely - the coaching is tremendous how did you get it together at halftime when they got close and then yourolled gather ourselves again at halftime, and good words from JD what did she tell you to be focused and to do it. we knew we were going to win and just to do it. play each point. in the second half did you play games to 3 yeah how do you feel this about your final season bad. i had an incredible time. the women are amazing, really hope to help them i'd think I would miss them too much. hopefully I can help them out on the sidelines, be an assistant or something do you think your intensity helps your teammates I think so. the calmness. let them know chilly O when we get to the endzone, let them know they have a dump youre the goto person there's a few people that can do it terrific - sad that it's all over, but really awesome, go out with a bang
277 - JD what did you tell your team at halftime? we realized tha we needed to break it off the line. see, they're going to get their stuff, their rolls, their high, they're going to score a few points and we just have to be chill. not get all caught up and down ourselves because they're scoring a few. theyre a great team, they going to score some points. Basically the big key difference between first half and second half was our offense breaking the mark off the line. I tried to get it in the first half, but we were a little caught up in that, a little frantic (carleton's game and rush of scores). In the second half we realized it, play our game, it's about us, and I feel like they came out and did that. In the first hlf too I subbed a lot. In the second half I went with solid. I tightened it up, which was interesting, I've never done that before. I usually go the opposite, tighten in the beg. loose in th end. how does this compare to the other ones nothing can compare to the emotional release of last year. This team is more solid. We really wanted it more than last year letdown after this? it depends on who steps up - I thought we were going to lose a lot this year...layout D in the finals. Some of them have made huge leaps in the last month and we'll see where they come back how can I stay away from these women. I love them. they put so much into it. oday is great, really fun, but this whole season has been awesome. The energy and the fun. win or lose this game, we had a successful season. This team has been more cohesive than any team I've ever coached, and more supportive, and its just been my favorite season what were your strategies to stop carleton they have this high-relase...they love to break. So we played straight-up. We'll run with them anywehere on the field, that way we'll be in their shorts wherever they go on the field, and thats a little better because the breaks dont hurt you as much. And that there big game - break to brooke, huck. And we obviously don't have a big girl like that one. Thats really wanted to do was stop that. Offensively, we wanted to break the mark on the swing, because they're so poached - its shameful. And they didnt adjust.
318 Brook Harnden? and Jenn Wilson 4 years of playing - start freshman year. for us, the expereience was so surreal. you get to a point when you can't remember. so your playing point by point final point? both: basically. we had no clue, no idea what the score was. and then all of a sudden it was over. is that one of your strategies? jenn: no.it was a very weird experience. jenn: I got lost. definitely. usually I do a better job of keeping track. set up any defensive strategies. jenn; I thought we did a decent job of running them around. no point was easy for them. and both Mary Hunt and AJ are excellent handlers and we putour top defeders on them. We got a lot of blocks. I think one of the biggest differences was the difference in the pool play. We had a really more compeitive pool. it makes a significant difference. did you get more tired? brook: oh yeah, we played 3 hard games and they didn't play any. their semifinal game wasn't even tough. what kind of defense where you playing jenn: mainly forcing one direction. mainly force-flick or force backhand. how did you get that surge in the first half after looking for the deep game brook: its our team. we play with a lot of heart and a lot of desire. so we pulled it together and said we were going to do it and we did it. you were sending some good looks long and it faded away in the second half no idea. what did you jenn: we kept basically the same strategies throughout the game and unfortunately some of those points come in a row jenn: we certainly didnt scout them as much as they scouted us what did Lou tell you at halftime brook: that we kicked ass, and to keep kicking ass. "brooker" - nickname Jenn and Brook have been paying together since high school competition callahan rules? brook: at easterns, we had a hard time with the observers jenn:because they werent used to the skill levels and they werent experienced enough.I think its a positive thing if you get people out there who know what they're doing. but we had a lot of issues seems like you could have benefitted in this game jenn: we tend to not use the observers enough. we tend to be a team that just goes through it, even if we get fouled we dont really contest it, just keep going on. 375 END OF TAPE
Lou Burruss, tape 3 did you have any specific strategies to counter AJ and Mary Hunt no. I thinnk we had good defesive matchup against them and I don't think we had trouble stopping their offense. we got the turnovers we needed to get. and then your offense wasnt able to capitalize to get competitive at the end of the game absolutely. I think it really ended up being a fatigue issue. if you compare the point totals from the games played you'll find we played about 50% more points. and I think we had number of people who had trouble with the altitude, we were tired towards the end of the game. was this a difference between this year and last year? I think that was a huge issue between this year and last year and that was the only difference. Because the two teams are, in terms of quality of team, were very comparable between this year and last year what were you looking for to make your team get back in the game once it was 15-9 I knew we were in trouble. But the whole time I wanted us to put it up and let our receives make plays. When we were able to do that, we were successful. We were hurt on handler-tohandler turnovers. was the wind a factor in the 2nd half I think the wind was a little bit of a factor in that it ilimited ourr ability to put the disc up the field when we were trying to go in an upwind direction. but it wasn't that big of a deal how does it feel shitty plans for next year I dont know - like to be back... 59 END
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