Our fictionalized mommy character (Heather) continues her lively, quirky and mocking conversation with Mr. Part I.

mommymommymommy1: why are you not american?

PsycOdelikShaman: Well I live in America I just don't consider myself an American I don't like the idea it represents that I am the property of a country so I jsut like to consider myself a human

mommymommymommy1: what idea is americn?

mmm1 my boyfriend says he is not american but he is from grand rapid

PsycOdelik: well if I were to call myself American then I would basiacially saying that America owns me and I belong to AMerica and I am their property which I am not therfore I don't like to say that I am

mmm1 he says america is owned by ronald mickdonaled

PsycOdelik: lol

mmm1 he says he will not let ronald mickdonaled own me so he rote his name on me

mmm1 so ronald mickdonaled has no procecesnse

PsycOdelik: lol, wow thank you so much I needed that, tell me more

mmm1 we live in williamsburg and he says it is not america

mmm1 it is where the boskiats of right now are living

Flash Animation: Drinkin'

PsycOdelik: Have you ever met Ronald Mcdonald?

mmm1 i think he is like god? in the sky with anger?

PsycOdelik: Ronald Mcdonald is god in the sky with anger?

mmm1 like god, only american?

PsycOdelik: Do you believe in god? Do you believe in Ronald Mcdonald?

mmm1 i prey when sick

mmm1 but ronald cinfuse me

mmm1 my boyfriends says the other ronald is like the devil

PsycOdelik: There are 2 ronalds?

mmm1 god and the devil, 2 ronalds

PsycOdelik: Do you pray to Ronald Mcdonald?

mmm1 one he says looks like the big boy sign?

mmm1 you know the hamburger man?

PsycOdelik: The hamburgler?

PsycOdelik: the one with the mask and the stripes?

mmm1 the boy with the hamburger in his hand

PsycOdelik: oh the chubbt one?

mmm1 he holds it up

mmm1 chubbt?

PsycOdelik: the cubby little boy?

mmm1 yes, he is a boy

PsycOdelik: yes I know who you mean and he is the devil?

mmm1 he says the other ronald is like the little boy

mmm1 no, he resembals him

PsycOdelik: and this is the satan Ronald?

mmm1 yes

PsycOdelik: I see

mmm1 they have the same hair.

PsycOdelik: oh that makes sense

PsycOdelik: What else has he told you?

mmm1 he was the one with brice prengtine

mmm1 born in the USA

PsycOdelik: Is there a Jesus Christ Ronald Mcdonald like Ronadls hrist or Jesus Mcdonald?

PsycOdelik: Ronald Christ I mean

mmm1 i dont unerstand?

mmm1 no, he was presedent

PsycOdelik: Jesus Christ was president?

mmm1 he looks like little boy, same hair. my boyfreind says he is the devil

mmm1 no, he was the one with born in the USA! you know ronald the presedent

mmm1 like big boy?

PsycOdelik: Oh you mean John F. Kenedy?

PsycOdelik: or Teddy Rosovelt?

mmm1 ronald mickdonaled the presedent, the fashest pig!

mmm1 big boy!

PsycOdelik: ronald mcdonald the satan president fascist pig? you mean Adolf Hitler?

mmm1 no, ronald mickdonaled the presedent of america!

mmm1 he was in movie with his legs gone

PsycOdelik: So Ronald Mcdonald is the president of the America and he is a fascist pig?

mmm1 cut?

PsycOdelik: and he is legless?

mmm1 no, in movie

mmm1 also in movie with monkie

PsycOdelik: Ronald Mcdonald is Satan and he has no legs and he is the president of America and he is a fascist pig!

mmm1 no, he is sick now!

PsycOdelik: Ronald Mcdonald is Satan and he has no legs and he is the president of America and he is a fascist pig with the monkey?

mmm1 no, he was in the movie with the monkey! my boyfriend says he is evil and he throws plates at the tv!

mmm1 he is married to famous actrss

PsycOdelik: I honestly have no idea who it is

mmm1 ronald mickdonald the persedent! he had no legs in movie

mmm1 my boyfriend is a genuous

PsycOdelik: I never saw that movie

mmm1 he is famous! he was persedent of USA!

mmm1 he is sick now

PsycOdelik: Ronald Mcdonald was never president

mmm1 he was in starwars

mmm1 nancy his wife

Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles Comic Strip: July 31
Mothers Wanted - 2nd Trimester tract

PsycOdelik: Harrison Ford?

PsycOdelik: a president never played in Star Wars

mmm1 it was bad what he did

PsycOdelik: what did he do that was bad?

mmm1 my boyfriend says he said catch up is a vegtable

mmm1 he pressed people

PsycOdelik: you are right that is bad

mmm1 he cut guvrnment spending

mmm1 nancy his wife? ronald mickdonald!

PsycOdelik: ok let me get this straight Ronald Mcdonald is Satan and he has no legs and he is the president of America and he is a fascist pig, and he throws plates at the tv and he was in Starwars and he cut governemtn spendind and is married to Nancy?

mmm1 my boyfriend throws plates, not ronald

mmm1 he throws evrything

mmm1 he throws cat even

PsycOdelik: your boyfriend throws the cat at the tv?

mmm1 at me. plates at tv when the movie with ronald mickdonald is on. my boyfriend is a geneous and loves freedom

mmm1 he went to march for mumea

PsycOdelik: does your boyfriend beat you?

mmm1 no, he just throws

mmm1 he is a poetry to!

PsycOdelik: do you feel like you are free when he throws plates and cats at you?

PsycOdelik: cooool a fellow poet

mmm1 he is fiting

mmm1 he fites hard

PsycOdelik: what is he fighting for the freedom of Ronald Mcdonald who is Satan and he has no legs and he is the president of America and he is a fascist pig, and he throws plates at the tv and he was in Starwars and he cut governemtn spendind and is married to Nancy

mmm1 he went to jail

PsycOdelik: for what?

PsycOdelik: throwing cats at people?

mmm1 he made a libirty bell out of dead silver fish and trew it at carter

mmm1 the persedent

mmm1 !!!!!!

mmm1 he was sining books at waldinbooks

mmm1 and troy trew it

PsycOdelik: wow

mmm1 he is out now

mmm1 you dont know ronald the persedent?

PsycOdelik: Not Ronald Mcdonald the president but I know Carter the PResident

mmm1 2 ronalds!

mmm1 hold on, i will find him

PsycOdelik: find who?

PsycOdelik: ronald the president?

mmm1 yes

PsycOdelik: is he burried in your closet somewhere?

mmm1 ronald raygun1

mmm1 !

PsycOdelik: Oh! yes Ronald Ragen I knwo him he's not Ronald Mcdonald

mmm1 hes the devil ronald mickdonald

PsycOdelik: Oh I get it now

mmm1 like big boy the hamburger man! the bad hamburger man!

PsycOdelik: yes he is coool

mmm1 why?

PsycOdelik: no wait he is not cooool the good Ronald is cooool the bad ROnald is not cool

mmm1 yes, that is my boyfriend thinking

PsycOdelik: cool

mmm1 he has IQ 265

PsycOdelik: nice

mmm1 he is poetry to!

PsycOdelik: Yes that is wonderfull poetry is wonderful

mmm1 yes!

PsycOdelik: Do you have any of his poems on the computer that I can read?

mmm1 he put his name on me with floss

mmm1 hold on, i will see

PsycOdelik: dental floss?

mmm1 yes! with a neadle

PsycOdelik: wow, did it hurt? and he did that so Ronald Mcdonald wouldn't own you?

mmm1 no, he loves me

PsycOdelik: But you said he did that so Ronald Mcdonald couldn't steal you

mmm1 hold on, i am looking for poems

PsycOdelik: ok

PsycOdelik: Find any?

mmm1 yes, i need to copy

PsycOdelik: ok

Kerouac didn't wear no khakis

no yellow-bellied cargo-panted two-stitch terror, no

No pinklillied summer fancy holyoked insanity

No, Kerouac didn't wear none, no

Not your father's Oldsmobile

Not the taste of a new generation, holyterrored generation crying BE YOUNG HAVE FUN DRINK PEPSI!

have you hugged a tree? can you blueblood cocksuckers see?

mommy look, mommy watch me! i'm a corporate entity!

sugarscented bepissed bedeviled the longing love that loves to take you hard and hot and heavy, the BOMB

the bomb! the bomb! rock hell-holy in the chasm of time, the hot heatsweat, the atom broke in two

Kerouac, yeah

Where's the beef? Where's the fire? Can you give me some Applebees sensuality?

Don't wear khakis, don't serve billions and billions of billious billions


Star of the American Road

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Currently: August 4- August 7, 2001


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