I am Mark of Bettendorf, IA. I was born in Peoria, IL on Nov. 7, 1977.

I was adopted during that December to Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Kristine Rossmiller of Rock Island, IL. We moved to Bettendorf when I was still very young, which is just across the Mississippi from Rock Island.

I went to Lourdes' Catholic Elementary School until second grade (I didn't like uniforms in the hot weather and all in all I didn't like it there).

I got into trouble once for throwing rocks in the sewage grate and had to sit all by myself in the dark while everyone else watched a movie. I cried there by myself.

Sam Says:

In about third grade I found a coin out in the playground. I kept it all my years until summer of 1996, but I'll get to that later on. I don't know exactly what kind of coin it was, but it had on the front a 0 with a 1 over it, and on the reverse side was an olive branch and some strange symbols.

Then came middle school. I didn't have many friends throughout my schooling. I started skateboarding more in sixth grade. I skated until eighth grade, because I went to skateboard camp the summer before that and injured my hip.

I got into a mean streak sometime in middle school, and I was in several fights in one week. And then I got beat up. So I learned my lesson and quit hitting people.

I didn't have good grades until high school. I went all out my first year and got all a's except one b. I was on the computer a lot by now, talking to people on Compuserve.

Anyways. Freshman year passed... I was really into algebra. I never liked english too much. I still didn't read many books. I found out about cliff notes. I was already smoking cigarettes during my freshman year.

Sophomore year, Algebra II did not go well. I had a different teacher, and I couldn't just understand things anymore. I had to think about them. So my grades and interest in math went downhill. Really I guess my interest in school overall went downhill.

I smoked marijuana for the first time. My friend Adam (from baseball...his dad was the coach) sold me a bag along with his friend Nate. Adam actually got me started smoking cigarettes also. And so I smoked it.

I didn't get high the first two times or so. I finally got high. I don't remember what it was like at all. I think I remember time going funny. I couldn't figure out if there were minutes or hours or whatever.

Then somewhere around the end of my junior year to the beginning of my senior I started dropping acid. The first time I ever dropped acid I was talking to my friend Chuck and telling him some of the things I was thinking about.

Then I walked Chuck home and told him how if I go to school I'd want to go with someone who's a least that it would be cool to. And I was talking all about college .. Then I went back home and listened to the NIN song Hurt on repeat. I dropped again later that night. I never got any sleep. I was so wired.

So morning came around and I went to school and came home because someone told me "if you trip on acid it will make you schizophrenic" i think that was the term... I only remember it had to do with psychology, and that was my next class and I was still really wired like I was tripping.

So I left before class started. And went home. I did this again the same week I think. And my mom sounded suspicious that I was "sick" again. I don't remember exactly why but eventually I quit for the time being. I think my parents found out I was smoking pot. But I don't remember.

I was die-hard into listening to marilyn manson. My car was plastered with mm stickers and it's all I listened to. Marilyn manson t-shirts. Everything. I guess it was after I saw NIN in iowa city and MM opened for them. I didn't like them then (in fact Mr. Manson almost stepped on me that night) but my sister had me listen to their cd within the next couple of months.

When I came to University of Iowa I moved into a triple dorm room with only one person living in it, John. Eventually Kris came to live with us. He was a big pot smoker and did numerous other drugs some of which I still have probably not heard of. He was loud and obnoxious and it was awful to live with him I thought.

I was computer science major. Or going to be anyways. Programming classes were too simple and I couldn't stand to listen to them so I always would skip out except on days that programs were due. Other than that there was speech and philosophy. I started trying to mix philosophy and computersci. and make a "computer god" philosophy. Something to the idea of comparing God to a computing machine. Speech was my worst class. I am not much of a public speaker.

I went out to the bars more and more. And I started smoking pot with my roommates (in our room).

One night I took some mescaline that Kris gave me and went with Adam (he was visiting me) to a party. We both took mescaline. I remember drinking alot and smoking a lot of pot. The night was awful.

So I was partying my classes away pretty much. I went to visit a friend I knew in Pennsylvania over spring break, Linda. We went out to Philadelphia and stayed with one of her friends there. He got me a sheet of acid, it had a picture of a genie on it, Blue Genie was the name of it I think.

Linda took some drugs I forget the name of it, but it is powdered cat tranquilizers. She didn't seem to pay much attention to me, but left me by myself, I felt so alone there. I wanted to go back when morning came,

So I left for home. Then I got back from spring break out in PA and my stereo was missing and our door was wide open. And to top it off I found out I was failing philosophy which was the only class I was putting effort into. I ended up dropping out. Kind of stupid I guess. But I just had one of those days .



Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles Comic Strip: Aug 14
The Cause and Solution To...

I started tripping on acid again also. One night I was tripping and I
heard... I guess heard is not the right word. It was like I felt God (YHVH) speak to me and He said "this is your last chance".

Anyways I was drawing in marker on the bottom of a skateboard that night while I tripped and I drew a graveyard with a cross-trombstone marker in it. And that was on the left of the board. And it went to a cliffside a little more to the right. Then it became fluid, like a sea. And finally on the rightmost of the board the sea turned into all these living creatures. I ended up coloring the cross in red. I gave the skateboard to Jessica.

I drew her another picture and wrote a poem to go with it, but I don't remember the poem. The picture was a candle and around the candle were all these creatures swirling in and out of eachother. The poem was titled BLUE FLAME.

And then I broke up with Jesse because she wasn't ever talking to me, and she was going out with other guys and stuff so I finally gave up. Then I went to a dance club here and met an old friend who used to sell me drugs, Mike Mulvihill. And he gave me a handout for a rave. I never went to a rave before.

So I went. With Clifford. We went. It was held at the YMCA. I tripped and smoked up before we went and by the time we got inside, the acid trip was starting to peak. I watched the people dance and listened to clifford talk. And finally the worst feeling came over me. It was the feeling like Satan was about to enter into the place where we were. I freaked out.

I told Clifford, "We have to leave."

So I left and he followed. I thought about things a lot that night. I seriously thought I was about to die for a time. Then I broke a grateful dead record I had. I thought there was some religious aspect that was wrong with the grateful dead at the moment. I forget the whole logic behind it. But I was wearing jesse's grateful dead shirt that night, so perhaps it had to do with the rave still or with jesse, I don't know.

Then I decided I didn't know alot about God and the bible... and not alot of it made sense to me... but I figured the Ten Commandments were true.

They made sense to me. Out of all the things in life I had ever learned, the ten commandments were the thing that made the most sense.

So I took all of the manson stickers off my car. I threw away a bunch of my cds. I quit smoking cigarettes and doing drugs within a week. I flushed a sheet of acid down the toilet. And I started reading the gospels. Well, about a month later I was reading in one of the gospels how "if you want to follow me, you must leave mother sister brother father... behind and come follow me" something like that... so i left.

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Currently: August 14- August 20, 2001


32 Words

Doyle Part V

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